
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

SLEEP Progress Update #1

Dear reader,
     I am 71,699 words and 210 pages into the novel SLEEP as of today. Normally I would be able to type 5,000 words and finish about a chapter in one day, but that was in the beginning where it was easy to get things started. Now, I'm near the end and I have to explain major details, and it can be difficult leading up to certain conflicts and climaxes. But do not give up on me yet; I am hopeful. I know I will finish this novel in early June and begin editing the day after that.
     It is normal to get caught up in writer's block near the end of a novel, but the best thing is to think of different ways to stretch out the details and maybe even take a little break to let your mind rest. But never stop writing. If you stop (like I had to for exams), it gets you off pace and it's difficult to rise back up to that same pace after a long period of time. With nearly 100 pages left for me to write, I am courageous. But all I ask is for you to not lose faith in me.

Pilot Entry - Welcome!

Dear reader,
I am glad that you have found this website. Journey's Chronicle is the website where I am choosing to update my progress on my current novel, SLEEP. I invite you to stay and possibly follow for future updates on what the novel's future could be. I will also be sharing some exerts from the book (if allowed) once I finish. I hope you enjoy your stay!